About Ass: Self-Presentation


Hi! I’m Ondrej Brody
And I’m Kristofer Paetau
We are conceptual artists and friends who make weird, provocative art.
At least we think it’s art…
Our artistic strategy is often embarrassing in its literacy and straightforwardness.
The criticality of our works could be described as ‘homeopathetic’ in the sense of ‘let like be cured by like’
Similia similibus curantur.

About Ass: Self-Presentation

Our art theory could be based on a misunderstood and distorted quotation of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
When an artist tries to rebel against the iron logic of Power, he comes into conflict with principles to which he himself owes his existence as artist.
And so his actions against Power must lead to his own downfall.
Of course, Power can be mocked for a certain time…
But its’ revenge will not fail to appear.